Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Birth of a Blog

Who needs another craft blog? You may be asking yourself this. I ask myself this. I'll give you the answer:


Yes, I need some new place to spew my craft obsessions, especially as I am tied down by the cutest little ball and chain, my 9 month old son. I look forward to expanding creative horizons with you and yours.

Is weird to start a craft blog with a confession that I am depressed by Britney Spears losing her kids? I confess to a degree of celeb schadenfreude, but mostly I don't care what they get up to. But this is just dismal. I mean, losing two kids to K-Fed? Ever since The Butterbean was born last December, I get very sad and wildeyed when I hear about kids getting mistreated or neglected...anyway. I hope they work it out. I'll just remember the good old days ranting about Brits assault on feminism by prancing around in a schoolgirl outfit, when that "oops" song was free of irony.

Ah, the making of stuff. Let me go organise the piles of fabric, yarn, and other stuff and get back to you.

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