Monday, December 17, 2007


When Isaac takes his first nap of the day, I usually log in some computer time; emails, checking out the necessary blogs (our friends with a sick child have one to keep us all updated, relatives overseas, that sort of thing), write out letters, and of course, research.

What sort of research? Well, mind blowing to say the least. I've been scooting around the peripheries of the internet for years. I have never been keen to spend hours in front of the computer, especially when I worked all day on one. Yuk. However, now with chasing the small fellow all day, I find computer time welcome and have been spending more time exploring.

Because I am starting a small home based handmade business, I research that. I look at what people are doing on Esty and Haute Nature. I drink in the talent, as well as scratch my head at some of the offerings out there. On a low confidence day, I can look at everything and feel overwhelmed and like a dilettante, but then look at something else and feel a whole heap better (they sell that?!?!). I read about some of the practicals. I source materials. Fantastic. There is so much to learn, and it is an inspiring way to want to up ones game.

Then of course, there is the very pleasant exercise I've getting a nice glass of wine and heading over to Go Fug Yourself.

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